Thursday, September 30, 2010

Are you prepared for an evacuation?

Okay, I had this dream last night....I hate this kind of dreams.  But anyway, the dream was about my home being in the path of a wild fire.  Kind of like the one they just had in Herriman.  I my dream I can remember watching the fire and thinking to myself we might have to evacuate if it changes directions.  And then all of the sudden it did.  I paniced, I wasn't ready for that and I was frantically running around trying to get all the things I thought we just couldn't loss.  You know like computers, pictures, important records, etc.  And there where everywhere in my house and not in one central location.  I woke up in a bit of a panic as you would imagine. 

So I felt impressed to share this will all of you.  We need to all consider the possibility that we might have to evacuate on a moments notice.  And if that even happened will we be prepared.  I know I am not! 

So over the next few days I am going to be working on a plan to help us get our affairs in order.  I am going to be researching the internet for ideas, of course.  Why reinvent the wheel one someone has already done it, right.  I hope you are all on board with this, because I think this something important for our overall preparedness.

- Mardi

Friday, September 24, 2010

Taking Inventory....

Okay, I got the motivation to start doing the inventor of my food store room.  If any of you have seen my food storage room you can only imagine the job I have ahead of me.  Well, I got 1 little shelf done and I have a page and a half of food listed.  I also determined that I don't need any more oats, potatoes, dehydrated apple or hard red wheat.  I have wheat in 5 gallon buckets that is over 40 years old.  I am actually affared to open them up.  And I have enough tooth paste to last 3 - 5 years!  At least I won't have smelly breathe in an emergency.

I organized a lot of the other shelves so that I could get them inventoried by the end of next week.  I have some more ideas that I will share later to help me STAY organized so that I don't buy 500 lbs of potatoes!!!  I still have a lot of space to add more things too.  I am sure there a lot of things I still need to purchase. 


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Food Storage / Emergency Prepardness Blog

About a year ago I started reading a few blogs of friends I know and I thought to myself, now that would be a great way to communicate with my ward members about food storage and emergency prepardness.  So I created this site almost a year ago and then never did anything with it since then. 

Well, now I am ready to start going forward with this blog and I hope you all enjoy using it.  I am new at this and so it will be a bit of a learning process for me.  I hope to post things to the site regularly but you know how that goes.  But I am going to give it my best effort. 

So to start, I got some feedback on the cards I handed out a few weeks ago and one of the things that most of them requested were little mini classes on specific topics.  I would like to move forward and start having meetings once a month or every other month addressing a certain topic.  I hope to start this in October.  I hope these mini classes will inspire you to get preparded.  

If you have any comments, please let me know.